An opportunity to get back into shape or at least exercise more with a spinal cord injury: Spinal cord injury, exercise and diabetes.
ByAn opportunity to get back into shape or at least exercise more with a spinal cord injury: Spinal cord injury, exercise and diabetes.The world sometimes works in mysterious ways. Four days ago I volunteered to participate in a vitamin D study for people with spinal cord injuries. The test was conducted by the VA at one of their outpatient testing sites in Kessler rehabilitation center in West orange. The goal was to establish whether I had low vitamin D. Some spinal cord injured individuals have low vitamin D and those individuals might benefit from vitamin D supplements.My vitamin D was normal so I flunked and cannot participate in the study. I flunked meaning my vitamin D levels are normal which, excludes me from the study. But as a result of the test, I was exposed to some results that might indicate a propensity for diabetes. I received the results about 1:15 PM March 3, 2014. The person who inform me of the results said that different doctors would react differently and that some would suggest alterations in diet and exercise.At 1:18 PM I opened my email and a friend sent me a link about exercise for individuals with spinal cord injury. A coincidence? Maybe. I certainly don’t exercise as much as I could. My biggest excuse is a rotator cuff tear that even after surgery hasn’t healed correctly. But as the article I’m including in this post indicates there are certainly other things I can do. This could turn into an important opportunity for me to do a better job of taking care of my health. There is some diabetes in my family. My father, his mother, my second cousin and my uncle all had the disease. I’m determined not to get it. Like I said, only prediabetic tendencies in one indicator showed up, but I’m not taking any chances. It’s time to get back to the gym and serious exercise.You never know we are next inspiration is going to come from. My normal vitamin D levels have inspired me to take better care of my health to prevent the possibility of developing diabetes.Please take a look at the article included in this email and use it to your advantage.Thanks,CharlesUniversity of Washington article Here to read how Gary Patty an individual with a severe disability turned his passion for exercise into a successful business! He started and now has a large exercise and Jim facility for over 20 years.